WooF Dogs School for Dog Trainers is proud to offer the highest level of education possible. Along side our lectures, seminars and hands-on education you will also receive the opportunity to be certified through WooF Dogs as a WooF Dogs Certified Dog Trainer (WDCDT) with further opportunities to progress into different areas of expertise such as canine behavior and working dogs.
The WDCDT is one of the only certification bodies for professional dog trainers that requires both a written and hands-on exam to hold our certified partners to the highest standards.
While the certification test will be offered at the completion of any WooF Dogs School for Dog Trainers course it is not a guaranteed certification and students must be able to pass the final exam in both written and hands-on faculties to earn your WDCDT. Further information on both sections of the test can be found (link) Here. [link this to the about the exam portion

Requirements of Certification
About the Exam
What is involved in the exams?
The multiple choice test is designed to test your understanding of many pieces of the canine training puzzle. Content may include ethology, behavior, learning theory, husbandry and other subjects vital to your success as a professional dog trainer.
The hands-on exam is important to test your ability to work outside of the theory. You will be provided a simulated situation with a ‘client’ and a dog and will be given a task to perform. These situations change regularly and will not be the same during any recertification exams.
Prepare for these exams to take three hours out of the day you schedule to sit the tests.
Can I submit video for the hands-on portion of the exam?
Our incoming trainers can submit a video to avoid travel. The submitted video must be continuous with no breaks or editing and must have a clear view of the training area at all times. You will be given a task in the same way you would be in facility and must complete that task.

Continuing Education
What counts as continued education?
To maintain your WDCDT certification you are required to attend two continued education opportunities a year. These opportunities can be found through online lecture groups such as FDSA or Leerburg, Seminars attended, a minimum of 40 hours spent under a mentor trainer, or further education at WooF Dogs School for Dog Trainers.
How do I submit proof of my continued education?
You will be provided with a link to online paperwork to maintain paperwork on your further education credits. Online lectures, seminars and mentor trainers will require a signed off completion note or proof of purchase from the company or trainers involved. WooF Dogs School for Dog Trainers credits will be automatically attached to your certification file.
How do I re-certify at the end of my certification period?
You are given a 30 day grace period at the end of your certification year to submit your continued learning information and payment for recertification. A reminder will be sent to you within the final month of your certification and payment of 125 and submission of your continued learning credits will be required within the 30 day grace period before your certification is ended and you will be required to remove the WDCDT title from any and all marketing for your business.
If I lapsed in my certification do I need to repeat the exam to re-certify?
If it is beyond your 30 day grace period but within a year of your lapse of certification you will not be required to retake the exam. A late fee of 50 will be added to your re-certification fee to allow for of your certification and your listing on the certified trainer listings.